Json Editor Ipad

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A json editor based on jquery.json-viewer. Contribute to dblate/jquery.json-editor development by creating an account on GitHub. I personally use JSON Viewer since the Notepad plugin doesn't work any more. EDIT - 24th May 2012. I advise that you download the JSMin plugin for Notepad as mentioned in the answer. This works well for me in the latest version (v6.1.2 at time of writing). EDIT - 7th November 2017. As per @danday74's comment below, JSMin is now JSToolNpp.

JSON rules right now – databases, web, development etc. Here is a varied list of JSON editors


JSON Editor Online is a web-based tool to view, edit, and format JSON. It shows your data side by side in a clear, editable treeview and in a code editor.

Online JSON Viewer, Editor, Beautifier/Formatter, Validator, Minifier – Convert JSONStrings to a Friendly Readable Format,into XML/CSV.

JSON Editor – Clean CSS – An Online JSON Editor to help you create, view and edit your json with the help of a treeview to visualize your data.

JSON editor allows for easy editing of json strings, after loading a sample from the dropdown list click ‘build tree', expand the tree, click nodes and start changing!


Thomas JSON Editor – Load an example: None/empty, Employee data, Sample Konfabulator Widget, Member data, A menu system, The source code of this JSON editor.

JSONmate. JSON inspector; JSON editor; JSON data from external APIs; JSON beautifier/uglifier … The JSON editor will get updated when you leave the field.


3d builder online, free. JSON Editor takes a JSON Schema and uses it to generate an HTML form.
It has full support for JSON Schema version 3 and 4 and can integrate with several popular CSS frameworks (bootstrap, foundation, and jQueryUI).


Eclipse Json Editor Plugin is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that provides: – Color text highlighting – An Outline Tree view – JSON validation – Text formatting – Text folding for the JSON data format.
oXygen (commercial product)text mode allows you to work with JSON documents, providing standard editing capabilities such as undo / redo, copy / paste, find / replace, and drag / drop, as well as more complex ones, such as format and indent, or structure validation.

Altova JSON Editor (Windows, commercial) – The JSON editor in XMLSpy allows you to view and edit JSON files using the same intuitive Text and Grid Views available for XML editing, with useful editing guides and entry helpers. XMLSpy also makes it easy to convert XML to JSON or convert JSON to XML. Unlike any other XML editor, XMLSpy supports both JSON and XML, giving you an easy way to work with JSON in the same environment where you're developing XML, AJAX, and Web services applications.

Cocoa JSON Editor (MAC, Commercial) – Providing the most advanced features for iOS / OSX application developers. Whenever you need to connect to API, edit JSON String or test offline responses, Cocoa JSON Editor is the tool that will speed up your work.

Visual JSON Editor (Windows) is a JSON schema based file editor: When opening a JSON file, the application auto-generates an editor GUI based on the provided JSON schema. The goal is to make JSON editing more effective and easier for users.

A JSON viewer plugin for notepad++. Displays the selected JSON string in a tree view.

JSONedit (Windows) is a simple JSON editor with text and tree view. Complete application (single executable file) weights about 2 MB (statically linked Lua and Scintilla included), does not require installation and does not depend on any non-standard dll. Settings are stored in .ini file created in application directory, so you can call it portable. https://heredup893.weebly.com/usb-drive-in-macbook-pro.html.

xml buddy (Windows) – Complete JSON grid-style editor for Windows® to create error-free JSON with ease. Intelligent auto-completion (Intellisense). Create JSON in less time. JSON syntax checking and JSON Schema validation. Ensure your JSON is error free with a single click. JSON Pointer evaluation. Convert between JSON and XML. Import CSV text and get JSON.

In this tutorial I'll show how I created an iOS app to make a JSON API request to a Rails app and show the content as images in the iPad simulator.

In my rails app model file, I defined an 'as_json' method to format the JSON output. One click unbrick tool dari heimdall download. file: app/models/image.rb

In my images controller, I setup my index method for JSON output. file: app/controllers/images_controller.rb

Onto Xcode. I created a new project:

  1. File > New > Project
  2. iOS > Single View Application; Next

I entered the following project options:

  • Product Name: Pictures
  • Organization Name: self
  • Company Identifier: com.self
  • Class Prefix: Pictures
  • Devices: iPad
  • Use Storyboards: yes
  • User Automatic Reference Counting: yes
  • Include Unit Tests: (optional, not used in this tutorial)

Click Next; Choose Location; Click Create

For this project I decided to use CocoaPods to manage my third party objc libraries. In this case, primarily AFNetworking.

In the terminal, go to dir that contains the new .xcodeprojexample: /Users/Eric/Documents/Objective-C/Pictures

Create new file: .rvmrc (if you're using RVM)

Create new Gemfile with contents:

Execute bundle to fetch gems

Create new Podfile with contents:

Execute pod install to get objc libraries and setup Xcode workspace

You should now have the following file structure:

From now on, open 'Pictures.xcworkspace' instead of 'Pictures.xcodeproj'. You'll see the following structure:

To revise the default storyboard and add a new collection view controller:

  • click on MainStoryboard.storyboard
  • click on Pictures View Controller, and press delete

Drag a Collection View Controller onto the canvas

Json File Editor Download

Edit PicturesViewController.h


Thomas JSON Editor – Load an example: None/empty, Employee data, Sample Konfabulator Widget, Member data, A menu system, The source code of this JSON editor.

JSONmate. JSON inspector; JSON editor; JSON data from external APIs; JSON beautifier/uglifier … The JSON editor will get updated when you leave the field.


3d builder online, free. JSON Editor takes a JSON Schema and uses it to generate an HTML form.
It has full support for JSON Schema version 3 and 4 and can integrate with several popular CSS frameworks (bootstrap, foundation, and jQueryUI).


Eclipse Json Editor Plugin is a simple plugin for the Eclipse IDE that provides: – Color text highlighting – An Outline Tree view – JSON validation – Text formatting – Text folding for the JSON data format.
oXygen (commercial product)text mode allows you to work with JSON documents, providing standard editing capabilities such as undo / redo, copy / paste, find / replace, and drag / drop, as well as more complex ones, such as format and indent, or structure validation.

Altova JSON Editor (Windows, commercial) – The JSON editor in XMLSpy allows you to view and edit JSON files using the same intuitive Text and Grid Views available for XML editing, with useful editing guides and entry helpers. XMLSpy also makes it easy to convert XML to JSON or convert JSON to XML. Unlike any other XML editor, XMLSpy supports both JSON and XML, giving you an easy way to work with JSON in the same environment where you're developing XML, AJAX, and Web services applications.

Cocoa JSON Editor (MAC, Commercial) – Providing the most advanced features for iOS / OSX application developers. Whenever you need to connect to API, edit JSON String or test offline responses, Cocoa JSON Editor is the tool that will speed up your work.

Visual JSON Editor (Windows) is a JSON schema based file editor: When opening a JSON file, the application auto-generates an editor GUI based on the provided JSON schema. The goal is to make JSON editing more effective and easier for users.

A JSON viewer plugin for notepad++. Displays the selected JSON string in a tree view.

JSONedit (Windows) is a simple JSON editor with text and tree view. Complete application (single executable file) weights about 2 MB (statically linked Lua and Scintilla included), does not require installation and does not depend on any non-standard dll. Settings are stored in .ini file created in application directory, so you can call it portable. https://heredup893.weebly.com/usb-drive-in-macbook-pro.html.

xml buddy (Windows) – Complete JSON grid-style editor for Windows® to create error-free JSON with ease. Intelligent auto-completion (Intellisense). Create JSON in less time. JSON syntax checking and JSON Schema validation. Ensure your JSON is error free with a single click. JSON Pointer evaluation. Convert between JSON and XML. Import CSV text and get JSON.

In this tutorial I'll show how I created an iOS app to make a JSON API request to a Rails app and show the content as images in the iPad simulator.

In my rails app model file, I defined an 'as_json' method to format the JSON output. One click unbrick tool dari heimdall download. file: app/models/image.rb

In my images controller, I setup my index method for JSON output. file: app/controllers/images_controller.rb

Onto Xcode. I created a new project:

  1. File > New > Project
  2. iOS > Single View Application; Next

I entered the following project options:

  • Product Name: Pictures
  • Organization Name: self
  • Company Identifier: com.self
  • Class Prefix: Pictures
  • Devices: iPad
  • Use Storyboards: yes
  • User Automatic Reference Counting: yes
  • Include Unit Tests: (optional, not used in this tutorial)

Click Next; Choose Location; Click Create

For this project I decided to use CocoaPods to manage my third party objc libraries. In this case, primarily AFNetworking.

In the terminal, go to dir that contains the new .xcodeprojexample: /Users/Eric/Documents/Objective-C/Pictures

Create new file: .rvmrc (if you're using RVM)

Create new Gemfile with contents:

Execute bundle to fetch gems

Create new Podfile with contents:

Execute pod install to get objc libraries and setup Xcode workspace

You should now have the following file structure:

From now on, open 'Pictures.xcworkspace' instead of 'Pictures.xcodeproj'. You'll see the following structure:

To revise the default storyboard and add a new collection view controller:

  • click on MainStoryboard.storyboard
  • click on Pictures View Controller, and press delete

Drag a Collection View Controller onto the canvas

Json File Editor Download

Edit PicturesViewController.h

Click on MainStoryboard.storyboard. Click on Collection View Controller (in Collection View Controller Scene). In the Utilities region, click on Identity inspector, enter 'PicturesViewController' for the custom class.

Click on Collection View Cell.

File » New » File… » in iOS » Cocoa Touch » Objective-C class » Next

  • Class: PicturesCollectionViewCell
  • Subclass of: UICollectionViewCell
  • Next » Create

The above commands will create the files: PicturesCollectionViewCell.h and PicturesCollectionViewCell.m

Click on PicturesViewController.m, add:

Click on MainStoryboard.storyboard. Click on Collection View Cell in Pictures View Controller Scene. In the Utilities region, click on Identity inspector, enter 'PicturesCollectionViewCell' for the custom class

Click on Pictures Collection View Cell in Pictures View Controller Scene. In the Utilities region, click on Attributes inspector, under Collection Reusable View, enter 'pictureCell' in the Identifier field.

Drag a new Image View object inside the collection view cell.

Click on the button to show the Assistant editor. This will allow you to connect elements from the interface builder to code in your classes. In the Pictures View controller scene, click on Image View. In the code window to the right, you should see the PicturesViewController.h file. You'll want to change that to the PicturesCollectionViewCell.h header file. Clicking on the class name will allow you to change the active file.

Apps To Open Json Files

Hold down the control key and drag UIImage view object to the PicturesCollectionViewCell.h header file; release inside the @interface and @end lines of code.

In the popup, enter:

  • Connection: Outlet
  • Name: pictureImageView
  • Type: UIImageView
  • Storage: Weak

Click Connect.

The above commands will add the following IBOutlet code:

Now it's time to add the guts of the view controller code. Click on PicturesViewController.m file.

TIP:With the Utilities View open, click on the Quick Help tab. If you click on 'PicturesViewController' in the @interface PicturesViewController () line of code, the quick help section will provide a reference link to the class that the PicturesViewController inherits from: UICollectionViewController. Click on 'UICollectionViewController Class Reference' link. In the 'Conforms to' section at the top, click on UICollectionViewDataSource. As noted in the documentation, 'An object that adopts the UICollectionViewDataSource protocol is responsible for providing the data and views required by a collection view.', so let's add those instance methods (many are marked as required). You can copy and paste the instance method declarations directly into your code, or simply start to type the method name and use Xcode's autocomplete functionality.

Add (or update) the following methods to the PicturesViewController.m file, before the closing @end line:

At this point, you should be able to build and run the program, but you'll just see a blank (black) screen. The following steps are adjustments I made to better fit my images which are 188px x 188px. Click back on the MainStoryboard.storyboard, and click on Pictures Collection View Cell. Resize the cell to 188px x 188px.

I ensured the Image View was the same dimensions.

To see the image layout in the simulator, click on the Attributes inspector and set the background for the Image view to white. Click on Collection View and click on size inspector, set the min spacing to 0. The above adjustments yield the following layout if you build/run the project:

Now it's time to make an API call and populate the image cells asynchronously. I opened PicturesViewController.m and added the following import at the top of the file:

I then added the following code to the viewDidLoad method after the line: [super viewDidLoad];

The above code makes an asynchronous JSON GET request to the Rails API which returns a JSON array containing image paths. The success block uses an objc block to update the image cells.

Next steps: sell app in Apple AppStore :)

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